Berkshire said in its announcement that, besides buying this block of stock, it was simultaneously raising its limits on the price it would pay for its own shares to 120% of book value. 伯克希尔在公告中表示,除了回购这笔股票,公司还将股票回购的价格上限提高到票面价值的120%。
The stock trades for just 0.6 times tangible book value. 该股当前股价仅为有形账面价值的0.6倍。
With its stock now trading at about 30% of tangible book value, after adjusting Knight's net worth to reflect the loss, some investors might be tempted to bet on Knight pulling through. 在调整奈特净值以反映上述损失之后,目前其股价约为每股有形账面价值的30%。按这个比例,一些投资者可能很想下注奈特挺得过去。
My company is last month new the company of flowers of a nursery stock that establish, when should I make account book? 我公司是上个月新成立的一家苗木花卉公司,我该什么时间做帐呢?
Thus in a corporation which has issued common stock only, the book value per share is computed by dividing total Stockholders 'equity by the number of shares outstanding. 因此,如果公司只发行普通股,每股账面价值的计算为股东权益总额除以发行在外的股数。
Another part which the example doesn't cover is how the process will know when the book is in stock again in case the book is ordered from the publisher. 示例没有涵盖流程如何知道合适书籍从出版商那里订货之后入库。
However, when the book is not in stock it needs to be ordered from the publisher of the book before it can be shipped. 但是,当书籍没有库存,在能够发货之前,将需要从书籍出版商出订货。
Registration A process by which an owner of stock or security has the ownership officially recorded in a book or on a computer system. 登记股票或有价证券持有者将其持有的对股票或有价证券的所有权正式记录在册或记录在电脑系统中的做法。
In return for ad hoc legislation that gave legal exemption from scrutiny to the stock exchange rule book, he promised that the restrictions on competition it contained would be removed. 限制行为法院通过了一项特别立法,使证交所的规则手册合法地免受审查。作为对该项立法的回报,他承诺废除规则手册中包含的限制竞争的规定。
A stock's book value per share is a measure of how much a common stockholder could expect to receive for each share if the corporation were liquidated. 一只股票的每股账面价值是测量股东在如果公司被清算时每股所能得到的份额。
During one of the most volatile periods, a week in which global stock markets declined by$ 7 trillion, I received a call from an editor at Time. "You wrote a book on prayer, right?" he said. 在这段极其动荡不安的时间,有个星期全球股票市场狂跌七兆美金,我接到《时代杂志》(Times)编辑的电话,问我说:「您写过关于祷告的书。
In this foundation, according to the present book stock and the anticipated borrowing rate, the book purchasing amount was obtained and the procurement scheme of. 在此基础上,结合现有图书库存量和灰预测得到的预期借阅率,共同得出预期图书的建议购买量,并由此组成了预期图书的建议采购方案。
The stock market capitalisations of Citigroup and Bank of America languish at half and three fifths of tangible book value, respectively liquidating Citi could hand shareholders a gain of 100 per cent. 花旗集团(citigroup)和美国银行(bankofamerica)的股票市值仅分别为有形账面价值的一半和五分之三,清算花旗将让股东获得100%的收益。
Once the book order request is received, the payment is processes to make sure the money is received and the stock of the book is checked. 一旦收到书籍订购请求,支付系统确保收到书款并检查书籍存量。
After the stock is checked an exclusive gateway is used for the conditional logic of the book being in stock or not. 在存货检查之后,用一个排他网关进行书籍是否有库存的条件逻辑的判断。
If a company has both preferred and common stock outstanding, the computation of book value per share of common stock requires two steps. 如果某公司同时有发行在外的优先股和普通股,普通股每股账面价值的计算需要两个步骤。
Using transactions data for A-share stocks in Shenzhen stock market, this paper studies market depths change after increased limit order book disclosure. 运用深圳证券交易所A股股票的交易数据,实证分析了指令簿透明度增加后市场深度的变化。
The activity to re-fill the stock should perhaps be a sub-process, and the ship book activity should be notified with an event when this sub-process is ready. 重新入库的活动很可能应该是一个子流程,当子流程准备就绪,送书活动应该得到通知。
When the book is in stock, either because it was already or by an extra order via the publisher, the book is ready for shipment. 当书籍有库存,或者是因为书籍已准备就绪,或者是因为通过出版商的额外订货,书籍可以准备发货。
But now that I own a dairy herd and am breeding pedigree Guernsey stock, I need that book and I cannot find it. 但现在我经营着一群奶牛,饲养的是纯种根西奶牛,我需要那本书,它却无处可寻了。
Operationally, HSBC is in a better position than most of its peers and deserves its premium stock market rating of 1.2 times book value. 就运营而言,汇丰相比大部分同行处于更有利地位,其高于同行的1.2倍市净率是完全合理的。
That puts companies where property, equipment and stock account for more than half of book not far above liquidation value. 按照这个股价,这些企业的市值比清算价值高不了多少,因为房产、设备和存货占它们账面价值的一半以上。
In China's stock market, there is no book market effect, but a certain system risk factor relevant to the scale plays an important role in the stock pricing. 在中国股票市场,账面市场效应并不存在,但与规模相关的某种系统风险因素在股票定价中起到了重要作用。
Stock management includes record information, inquiries of book stores, record checking, inquiries checking and teaching materials statistics etc. 库存管理包括信息录入、书库查询、盘点记录、盘点查询、教材统计等。